ACM 111 |
Introduction to Computer and Information Processing
Seçmeli |
ACM 211 |
Data Structures and Database Applications
Seçmeli |
ACM 213 |
Information Analysis and System Design
Seçmeli |
ACM 311 |
Visual Programming I
Seçmeli |
ACM 331 |
Concepts of Programming Languages
Seçmeli |
ACM 365 |
Advanced Web Design
Seçmeli |
ACM 369 |
Operating Systems I
Seçmeli |
ACM 373 |
Scripting Languages
Seçmeli |
ACM 411 |
Ethical and Human Side of IT
Seçmeli |
ACM 413 |
Object Oriented Software Development
Seçmeli |
ACM 421 |
Project Management
Seçmeli |
ACM 431 |
Programming Mobile Devices
Seçmeli |
ACM 437 |
Internet of Things
Seçmeli |
ACM 462 |
Decision Support Systems
Seçmeli |
ACM 472 |
3-D Design and Game Programming
Seçmeli |
ACM 475 |
Informatics Regulations
Seçmeli |
ADV 101 |
Introduction to Advertising
Seçmeli |
ADV 273 |
Digital Advertising
Seçmeli |
ADV 321 |
Semiotics of Advertising
Seçmeli |
ADV 334 |
Account Management in Advertising
Seçmeli |
AFN 214 |
Principles of Finance
Seçmeli |
AFN 218 |
Corporate Governance and Ethics
Seçmeli |
AFN 321 |
Theory of International Trade and Finance
Seçmeli |
AFN 415 |
Technical and Fundamental Analysis in Equity Markets
Seçmeli |
AFN 417 |
Derivatives Markets
Seçmeli |
AFN 418 |
International Corporate Finance
Seçmeli |
AGR 105 |
Seçmeli |
AI 401 |
Artificial Intelligence for Interdisciplinary Studies
Seçmeli |
ANT 101 |
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Seçmeli |
ANT 103 |
History of Anthropology
Seçmeli |
ANT 115 |
Scholarly Reading and Writing in Anthropology I
Seçmeli |
ANT 157 |
Culture and Archaeology
Seçmeli |
ANT 319 |
Ethnography and the History of Anthropology Turkey
Seçmeli |
ANT 419 |
Ecology and Anthropology
Seçmeli |
ANT 459 |
Current Debates in Anthropology
Seçmeli |
ARCH 312 |
Architectural Psychology
Seçmeli |
ARCH 411 |
Contemporary Approach in Sustainable and Ecological Building
Seçmeli |
ARCH 415 |
Urban Culture & Architecture
Seçmeli |
ARCH 416 |
Turkish Architecture in Republican Era
Seçmeli |
ARCH 435 |
Architectural Utopias
Seçmeli |
ARE 211 |
Material Cognisance
Seçmeli |
ARE 302 |
Real Estate Economics
Seçmeli |
ARE 311 |
Construction Planning and Operation
Seçmeli |
ARE 321 |
Real Estate Valuation
Seçmeli |
ARE 421 |
International Real Estate Markets
Seçmeli |
ARE 431 |
Real Estate Financing and Investment
Seçmeli |
ART 101 |
Introduction to Arts and Cultural Management
Seçmeli |
ART 103 |
Arts and Cultural Theories
Seçmeli |
ART 105 |
Basic Strategies in Arts and Culture
Seçmeli |
ART 111 |
History of Art I
Seçmeli |
ART 201 |
Aesthetics and Art Philosophy I
Seçmeli |
ART 203 |
Modern and Contemporary Art in Turkey
Seçmeli |
ART 205 |
Performing Arts Management I
Seçmeli |
ART 207 |
Seçmeli |
ART 301 |
Art and Culture Writing
Seçmeli |
ART 303 |
Collections Development
Seçmeli |
ART 305 |
Production and Marketing in the Music Industry
Seçmeli |
ART 401 |
Funding and Sponsorship for the Art and Cultural Projects
Seçmeli |
ART 403 |
Cultural Policies
Seçmeli |
ART 491 |
Graduation Project I
Seçmeli |
ATD 243 |
International Trade
Seçmeli |
ATD 255 |
European Economies
Seçmeli |
ATD 321 |
Seminar in Marketing
Seçmeli |
ATD 413 |
Turkish Foreign Trade Regime and Customs Regulations
Seçmeli |
ATD 457 |
The Turkish Tax System
Seçmeli |
ATD 473 |
Global Trade and Investment
Seçmeli |
ATH 101 |
Introduction to Tourism Industry
Seçmeli |
ATH 103 |
Tourism Geography
Seçmeli |
ATH 203 |
Hospitality Operations Management
Seçmeli |
ATH 209 |
Food&Beverage Management
Seçmeli |
ATH 211 |
Interpersonal Communication for Tourism
Seçmeli |
ATH 222 |
Sustainable Tourism Management
Seçmeli |
ATH 325 |
Services Marketing
Seçmeli |
ATH 341 |
Rooms Division Management
Seçmeli |
ATH 401 |
Revenue Management
Seçmeli |
ATH 411 |
Airport Management
Seçmeli |
ATH 415 |
Resort Management
Seçmeli |
ATH 417 |
Entrepreneurship for Tourism
Seçmeli |
ATH 421 |
Contemporary Topics in Tourism
Seçmeli |
ATR 101 |
Introduction To Supply Chain Management & Logistics I
Seçmeli |
ATR 203 |
Logistics and Marketing Management
Seçmeli |
ATR 211 |
Purchasing, Warehousing & Distribution
Seçmeli |
ATR 307 |
Supply Chain Knowledge Systems
Seçmeli |
ATR 311 |
Transportation Management and Rules I
Seçmeli |
ATR 314 |
Cargo Management
Seçmeli |
ATR 351 |
Maritime Logistics I
Seçmeli |
ATR 401 |
Operations Management
Seçmeli |
ATR 415 |
Warehouse Management
Seçmeli |
ATR 434 |
Transportation Economics
Seçmeli |
ATR 441 |
Rail Transportation I
Seçmeli |
ATR 467 |
Logistics & Distribution Mgt
Seçmeli |
ATR 471 |
Logistics Modeling & Optimization Techniques (OR)
Seçmeli |
ATR 475 |
Logistics & Transportation of Special Materials
Seçmeli |
ATR 480 |
Maritime & Port Operations Mgt I
Seçmeli |
ATR 481 |
Intermodal Transportation
Seçmeli |
BBA 201 |
Organization Theory and Design
Seçmeli |
BBA 261 |
Marketing Principles
Seçmeli |
BBA 303 |
Seçmeli |
BBA 341 |
Managerial Accounting
Seçmeli |
BBA 344 |
Seçmeli |
BBA 362 |
Consumer Behavior
Seçmeli |
BBA 389 |
Digital Transformation
Seçmeli |
BBA 403 |
TİDE Internal Audit Seminars
Seçmeli |
BBA 486 |
Innovation Management
Seçmeli |
CET 110 |
Basic Computer Applications
Seçmeli |
CET 211 |
Introduction to Algorithms and Programming
Seçmeli |
CET 313 |
Computer Networks and Communication
Seçmeli |
CET 325 |
Principles of Distance Education
Seçmeli |
CET 343 |
Special Teaching Methods in Computer Education I
Seçmeli |
CET 406 |
School Experience in Computer Education
Seçmeli |
CET 472 |
Design and Development of Educational Software
Seçmeli |
CET 487 |
Authoring Tools in E-Learning
Seçmeli |
COD 101 |
Seçmeli |
COMM 101 |
Introduction to Communication
Seçmeli |
COMM 111 |
Presentation Skills
Seçmeli |
COMM 121 |
The Fundamentals of Political Science
Seçmeli |
COMM 171 |
Introduction to Communication Design
Seçmeli |
COMM 204 |
Algorithms, Society and Communication
Seçmeli |
COMM 211 |
Seçmeli |
COMM 251 |
Story Telling
Seçmeli |
COMM 433 |
Political Communication Campaigns
Seçmeli |
CPLT 287 |
Selected Topics in Modern Drama I
Seçmeli |
CPLT 385 |
Selected Topics in Mythology I
Seçmeli |
CPLT 391 |
Selected Topics in Comparative Literature I
Seçmeli |
CPLT 393 |
Selected Topics in Modern Literature I
Seçmeli |
CULA 131 |
Food Hygiene and Sanitation
Seçmeli |
CULA 203 |
Foods and Their Specifications
Seçmeli |
CULA 205 |
Food History
Seçmeli |
CUM 301 |
Customs Legislations I
Seçmeli |
CUM 303 |
Foreign Trade and Customs Regime
Seçmeli |
CUM 307 |
Customs Tariff and Tax I
Seçmeli |
CUM 309 |
Monitoring and Preveting of Smuggling I
Seçmeli |
EDEN 201 |
Applied Linguistics
Seçmeli |
EDEN 204 |
Structure of Modern English
Seçmeli |
EDEN 407 |
Use of Literary Texts in TEFL 1
Seçmeli |
EDTR 351 |
Teaching Literary Theory
Seçmeli |
ELIT 101 |
Survey of English Literature I
Seçmeli |
ELIT 105 |
Introduction to Western Literature I
Seçmeli |
ELIT 116 |
Introduction to Mythology
Seçmeli |
ELIT 203 |
Survey of American Literature
Seçmeli |
ELIT 205 |
Introduction to Western Literature III
Seçmeli |
ELIT 211 |
Eighteenth Century British Novel
Seçmeli |
ELIT 281 |
Selected Topics in Short Fiction I
Seçmeli |
ELIT 301 |
History Of Literary Criticism I
Seçmeli |
ELIT 303 |
Shakespeare in His Age
Seçmeli |
ELIT 314 |
Renaissance to Restoration English Poetry
Seçmeli |
ELIT 401 |
Contemporary Literary Theory I
Seçmeli |
ELIT 411 |
Victorian Poetry I
Seçmeli |
ELT 209 |
Intelligente Stadt Technologien der Zukunft“ mit Siemens
Seçmeli |
ETT 211 |
Seçmeli |
ETT 311 |
Informatics Regulations and New Applications
Seçmeli |
ETT 415 |
Digital Warehousing Systems
Seçmeli |
ETT 425 |
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Seçmeli |
FHS 212 |
Critical Thinking
Seçmeli |
GRA 101 |
Vector Graphic (Adobe Illustrator)
Seçmeli |
GRA 102 |
Image Editing Techniques (Adobe Photoshop)
Seçmeli |
GRA 201 |
Desktop Publishing Graphics (Adobe In Design)
Seçmeli |
GRA 203 |
Typography I
Seçmeli |
GRA 204 |
Typography II
Seçmeli |
GRA 205 |
Graphic Design Basics
Seçmeli |
GRA 207 |
Illustration I
Seçmeli |
GRA 301 |
Graphic Design Project: Brand Identity Design
Seçmeli |
GRA 303 |
Graphic Design Project:Packaging Design
Seçmeli |
GRA 304 |
Graphic Design Project: Publication Graphics
Seçmeli |
GRA 305 |
Digital Illustration
Seçmeli |
GRA 307 |
Experimental Typography
Seçmeli |
GRA 308 |
Graphical User Interface Design
Seçmeli |
GRA 309 |
Exhibition Design
Seçmeli |
GRA 310 |
Seçmeli |
GRA 311 |
Graphic Animation
Seçmeli |
GRA 401 |
Graphic Design Project: Advertising Design I
Seçmeli |
GRA 407 |
Fictional Photography
Seçmeli |
HIST 101 |
Introduction to Ottoman Turkish Language
Seçmeli |
HIST 113 |
History of Pre-Islamic Turkish
Seçmeli |
HIST 115 |
History of the First Turkish Islamic States
Seçmeli |
HIST 117 |
Classical Mediterranean Civilizations
Seçmeli |
HIST 119 |
History of Middle East ( 6 - 13.Centuries)
Seçmeli |
HIST 205 |
Ottoman History (1299-1600)
Seçmeli |
HIST 209 |
Paleograph I
Seçmeli |
HIST 237 |
Eastern Europe Turkic History
Seçmeli |
HIST 315 |
History of Central Asia From 16th to 20th Century
Seçmeli |
HIST 325 |
History Philoshopy and Historiography
Seçmeli |
HIST 383 |
Geographical Discoveries and History of Colonialism
Seçmeli |
HIST 403 |
History of Turkish in Iran (Century of 16 and 20)
Seçmeli |
HIST 405 |
Turkish Epics and Legends
Seçmeli |
HIST 409 |
History of the Republic of Turkey
Seçmeli |
HIST 433 |
Turkey - Turkish Republics Relations
Seçmeli |
HIST 435 |
History of The Far East
Seçmeli |
HIST 481 |
History of World in the 20 Century
Seçmeli |
HIST 483 |
History of Diplomacy in Ottoman Empire
Seçmeli |
HRM 113 |
In-house Marketing in Human Resources Management
Seçmeli |
HRM 212 |
Corporate Social Responsibility
Seçmeli |
HRM 311 |
Modern Management Tecniques
Seçmeli |
HRM 321 |
Career Management
Seçmeli |
HRM 331 |
Business and Social Security Law
Seçmeli |
HRM 411 |
Conditions of Globalization and Intercultural Communication
Seçmeli |
HRM 413 |
Organizational Design for HR
Seçmeli |
HRM 421 |
Employee Evaluation and Compensation Systems
Seçmeli |
HRM 431 |
Training and Development in Enterprises
Seçmeli |
HRM 433 |
Orientation of Human Resources to the New Digital Age
Seçmeli |
INDD 101 |
Clay Modelling
Seçmeli |
INDD 251 |
Creativity Techniques
Seçmeli |
INDD 333 |
Sustaintability in Design
Seçmeli |
INDD 371 |
History Of Furniture
Seçmeli |
INDD 381 |
Yatch Design
Seçmeli |
INDD 391 |
Cultural Approaches In Design
Seçmeli |
INDD 412 |
Seçmeli |
INDD 441 |
Conceptual Automotive Design I
Seçmeli |
INDD 452 |
Organization of Space
Seçmeli |
INDD 471 |
Law Of Industrial Design & Trademark
Seçmeli |
INDD 472 |
Portfolio Design
Seçmeli |
INDD 491 |
Trend Analysis & Brand
Seçmeli |
INTD 370 |
Art And Mythology
Seçmeli |
INTD 451 |
Design Princples in Historic Buildings
Seçmeli |
JRN 151 |
News Gathering and Writing Techniques
Seçmeli |
JRN 271 |
Layout Graphic Design for Journalism
Seçmeli |
JRN 291 |
Social Issues and Media
Seçmeli |
JRN 322 |
Digital Media Literacy
Seçmeli |
JRN 432 |
Projects for Social Awareness
Seçmeli |
JRN 445 |
Press Economy and Management
Seçmeli |
LAND 113 |
Plant Material I
Seçmeli |
LAND 117 |
Landscape Engineering
Seçmeli |
LAND 319 |
Urban Landscape Planning
Seçmeli |
LAND 417 |
Techniques of Landscape Maintenance
Seçmeli |
LAW 113 |
Constitutional Law
Seçmeli |
LAW 121 |
Civil Law I
Seçmeli |
LAW 233 |
Administrative Law
Seçmeli |
LAW 315 |
Legislation on Logistics & Transportation I
Seçmeli |
MAN 111 |
Wirtschaftsdeutsch I
Seçmeli |
MAN 115 |
Allgemeine BWL
Seçmeli |
MAN 209 |
Kommunikations- und Präsentationstechniken
Seçmeli |
MAN 215 |
Management und Organisationstheorie
Seçmeli |
MAN 221 |
Seçmeli |
MAN 307 |
Seçmeli |
MAN 313 |
Internationales Projektmanagement
Seçmeli |
MAN 323 |
Grundlagen Marketing
Seçmeli |
MAN 332 |
Internationales Marketing
Seçmeli |
MAN 334 |
Supply Chain Management und Logistik
Seçmeli |
MAN 346 |
Digitales Leadership
Seçmeli |
MAN 349 |
Seçmeli |
MAN 427 |
Excel Anwendungen in Unternehmen
Seçmeli |
MAN 440 |
Management in Familienunternehmen
Seçmeli |
MATH 101 |
Introductıon to Set Theory and Logic
Seçmeli |
MATH 111 |
Analytical Geometry
Seçmeli |
MATH 160 |
Introductory Calculus
Seçmeli |
MATH 175 |
Mathematic für BWL
Seçmeli |
MATH 231 |
Linear Algebra I
Seçmeli |
MATH 245 |
Ordinary Differential Equations
Seçmeli |
MATH 255 |
Calculus III
Seçmeli |
MATH 321 |
Introduction to Group Theory
Seçmeli |
MATH 357 |
Complex Analysis
Seçmeli |
MATH 439 |
Metric and Topological Spaces
Seçmeli |
ME 478 |
Optimization Techniques
Seçmeli |
ME 485 |
Theory and Engineering of Music
Seçmeli |
NHS 352 |
Occupational Health Nursing
Seçmeli |
NHS 356 |
Forensic Nursing
Seçmeli |
NHS 359 |
Infection Control Nursing
Seçmeli |
NHS 360 |
Perioperative Nursing
Seçmeli |
NUT 250 |
Microbiota and Health
Seçmeli |
NUT 251 |
Functional Foods
Seçmeli |
NUT 253 |
Nutrition and Ecology
Seçmeli |
PA 101 |
Introduction to Public Administration
Seçmeli |
PA 205 |
Turkish Public Administration
Seçmeli |
PA 301 |
History of Turkish Democracy I
Seçmeli |
PA 303 |
Local Government
Seçmeli |
PA 308 |
Seçmeli |
PA 401 |
Public Personnel Management
Seçmeli |
PA 405 |
Comparative Public Administration
Seçmeli |
PA 409 |
Global Environmental Politics
Seçmeli |
PA 423 |
Organizational Behaviour in Public Administration
Seçmeli |
PHIL 101 |
Introduction to Philosophy
Seçmeli |
PHIL 105 |
Philosophical Texts I
Seçmeli |
PHIL 121 |
Ancient Philosophy I
Seçmeli |
PHIL 213 |
Logic II
Seçmeli |
PHIL 217 |
Classsical Greek And Latin Text Analyses I
Seçmeli |
PHIL 221 |
Philosophy in The Middle Ages and Renaissance
Seçmeli |
PHIL 241 |
Seçmeli |
PHIL 305 |
Philosophical Texts IV
Seçmeli |
PHIL 321 |
Philosophy in the 18th Century
Seçmeli |
PHIL 327 |
Philosophy in the Islamic World I
Seçmeli |
PHIL 329 |
Philosophical Developments in Turkey
Seçmeli |
PHIL 421 |
Contemporary Philosophy I
Seçmeli |
PHIL 431 |
Philosophy of Hİstory
Seçmeli |
PHIL 451 |
Politıcal Philosophy
Seçmeli |
PHIL 499 |
Graduation Thesis
Seçmeli |
PHYS 203 |
Statistical Physics
Seçmeli |
PHYS 402 |
ISO Standards&Accreditation
Seçmeli |
PRP 107 |
Communication, Society and Politics
Seçmeli |
PRP 221 |
Social Influence and Interpersonal Communication
Seçmeli |
PSIR 101 |
Introduction to Political Science
Seçmeli |
PSIR 111 |
History of International Relations I
Seçmeli |
PSIR 211 |
Introduction to International Relations
Seçmeli |
PSIR 221 |
Comparative Political Systems
Seçmeli |
PSIR 311 |
Central Issues in International Politics
Seçmeli |
PSIR 331 |
International Organizations
Seçmeli |
PSIR 360 |
Turkish Foreign Policy
Seçmeli |
PSIR 390 |
Social Communication
Seçmeli |
PSIR 434 |
Europen Union and Democracy
Seçmeli |
PSIR 460 |
Foreign Policy Analysis
Seçmeli |
PTR 250 |
Disability and Community
Seçmeli |
PTR 259 |
Interpersonal Communication in Health Instution
Seçmeli |
PTR 265 |
Floortime Approaches in Physiotherapy
Seçmeli |
PTR 266 |
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Geriatrics
Seçmeli |
PTR 267 |
Hand Rehabilitation
Seçmeli |
PTR 268 |
Physiotherapy in Women Health
Seçmeli |
PTR 273 |
Academic Paper Writing and Literature Review
Seçmeli |
RLL 201 |
Intercultural Dialogue
Seçmeli |
RLL 305 |
History of Russia I
Seçmeli |
RTC 221 |
History of Cinema
Seçmeli |
RTC 300 |
Contemporary World Cinema
Seçmeli |
RTC 311 |
Film Practicum
Seçmeli |
RTC 320 |
History of Turkish Cinema
Seçmeli |
RTC 321 |
Film Art and Industry
Seçmeli |
RTC 371 |
Short Film Production
Seçmeli |
RTC 421 |
Contemporary Approaches to Cinema
Seçmeli |
SOC 115 |
Academic Reading and Writing in the Social Sciences
Seçmeli |
SOC 203 |
Classical Sociological Theory
Seçmeli |
SOC 227 |
Sociology of Youth
Seçmeli |
SOC 320 |
Rural Sociology
Seçmeli |
SOC 330 |
Sociology of Religion
Seçmeli |
SOC 340 |
Social Movements and Revolutions
Seçmeli |
SOC 350 |
Social Stratification
Seçmeli |
SOC 413 |
Sociology of Crime and Deviance
Seçmeli |
SPRI 101 |
Histoire de la diplomatie
Seçmeli |
SPRI 107 |
Conférence de Méthode des Relations Internationales I
Seçmeli |
SPRI 121 |
Introduction à la Science Politique
Seçmeli |
SPRI 161 |
Introduction à la Sociologie
Seçmeli |
SPRI 207 |
Conférence de Méthode des Relations Internationales III
Seçmeli |
SPRI 221 |
Vie Politique Turque
Seçmeli |
SPRI 233 |
Seçmeli |
SPRI 301 |
Politique Extérieure de la Turquie
Seçmeli |
SPRI 323 |
Politique Internationale
Seçmeli |
SPRI 341 |
Droit International Public
Seçmeli |
SPRI 421 |
Méthodologie de Recherche en Sciences Sociales
Seçmeli |
SPRI 471 |
Economie Politique Internationale
Seçmeli |
SPRI 494 |
Seçmeli |
TEXT 243 |
Structure In Knitted Fabrics
Seçmeli |
TEXT 275 |
Illustration And Coloring Techniques In Fashion
Seçmeli |
TEXT 355 |
Gender In Contemporary Menswear
Seçmeli |
TEXT 377 |
Feminist Approaches in Fashion Design
Seçmeli |
TEXT 445 |
Editing In Fashion
Seçmeli |
TLL 111 |
Literary Genres And Methods Of Narration
Seçmeli |
TLL 113 |
Seçmeli |
TLL 123 |
Turkish Spoken In Turkey I
Seçmeli |
TLL 125 |
Turkish Spoken In Turkey III
Seçmeli |
TLL 131 |
Intro. To Turkish Literature I
Seçmeli |
TLL 161 |
Linguistics and Turkish I
Seçmeli |
TLL 204 |
Eastern Turkish and Its Literatures
Seçmeli |
TLL 219 |
Old Turkish Texts (Kokturk And Uıghur-Scripts)
Seçmeli |
TLL 293 |
Ottoman Turkish II
Seçmeli |
TLL 311 |
Old Anatolian Turkish
Seçmeli |
TLL 361 |
Folk Literature I
Seçmeli |
TLL 431 |
Short Story in Contemporary Turkish Literature
Seçmeli |
TLL 441 |
Literature Of Fecr-i Ati Period
Seçmeli |
TLL 477 |
Contemporary Turkish Novel I
Seçmeli |
TRA 101 |
Turkish for Translators
Seçmeli |
TRA 107 |
Introduction to Translation I
Seçmeli |
TRA 109 |
Public Speaking
Seçmeli |
TRA 133 |
Lexis for Translators
Seçmeli |
TRA 281 |
Introduction to Turkish Language of Signs
Seçmeli |
VCD 379 |
Interactive Design
Seçmeli |
VCD 400 |
Interdisciplinary Communication Design Practices
Seçmeli |
VCD 474 |
Game Design Workshop
Seçmeli |