Karadeniz, E.E. et al, "Exports during the pandemic; Enhanced by digitalization." (Forthcoming), Small Enterprise Research.
Ayman İ., Boutaleb F., Karadeniz E.E., Menipaz E., Bouhaddioui C., Rahman W., Sanchez-Ruiz, and Schøtt T. (2022). “Strategy and Practice for Sustainability in Businesses in the Middle East and North Africa in Global Perspective”. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 15(7):277, DOI:10.3390/jrfm1507027
Aydoğan, E.T., Karadeniz, E.E, Celbiş, M. G. (2021). "Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Regional Development in Turkey: Findings Obtained from Machine Learning Approaches." Ekonomi, Politika ve Finans Araştırmaları Dergisi. 6(3) 882-911 (in Turkish).
Ghalwash S., Karadeniz E.E., and Boutaleb F. (2021) 'Rural context favouring family business and urban context promoting non-family business in Egypt, Morocco and Turkey', European Journal of International Management, 16(2),
Liu, Y., Namatovu, R., Karadeniz, E. E., Schøtt, T., and Minto-Coy, I. D. (2020) 'Entrepreneurs’ transnational networks channelling exports: diasporas from Central & South America, Sub-Sahara Africa, Middle East & North Africa, Asia, and the European culture region', Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(10).
Ismail, A., Tolba, A., Ghalwash, S., Alkhatib, A., Karadeniz, E. E., El Ouazzani, K., Boutaleb, F., Belkacem, L., and Schøtt, T. (2018) 'Inclusion in Entrepreneurship, Especially of Women, Youth and Unemployed: Status and an Agenda for Research in Middle East and North Africa', World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 14(4),528 - 547.
Huang, V. Z., Nandialath, A., Alsayaghi, A.K., and Karadeniz, E.E. (2013) 'Socio-demographic factors and network configuration among MENA entrepreneurs', International Journal of Emerging Markets, 8(3), 258-281.
Özçam, A., and Karadeniz E.E. (2012) 'The Determinants of the Growth Expectations of Nascent, Baby and Established Entrepreneurs using Ordinal Logistic Model (OLM): The Case of Turkey', International Journal of Economic Perspective.
Çetindamar, D., Gupta, V. K., Karadeniz, E.E., and Eğrican, N. (2011) 'What the number tell: the impact of Human, Social, and financial capital on entrepreneurial Entry in Turkey', Entrepreneurship and Regional Development.
Özdemir, Ö., and Karadeniz, E.E. (2011) 'Investigating the factors affecting total entrepreneurial activities in Turkey', METU Studies in Development, 38 (December), 275-290.
Karadeniz, E.E., and Özçam, A. (2010) 'The Determinants of the Growth Expectations of the Early-Stage Entrepreneurs (TEA) using the Ordinal Logistic Model (OLM): The Case of Turkey', Journal of Economic and Business Review, 12(1), 61.
Karadeniz, E.E., and Özdemir, Ö. (2009) 'Entrepreneurial Activities in Turkey: An International Comparison Using GEM Data', Bogaziçi Journal: Review of Social, Economic and Administrative Studies, 23(1-2).
Karadeniz, E.E, and Özdemir, Ö. (2009) 'Entrepreneurship in Turkey and Developing countries: a comparison of Activities, Characteristics, Motivation and Environment for Entrepreneurship', Management of International Business and Economic Systems (MIBES), 3(1).
Karadeniz, E. E. ve Göçer, K. (2007).“Internalization of small firms: a case study of Turkish small and medium sized enterprises” European Business Review, Northampton,19, 387-403
Karadeniz, E. E.(2006) “Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth”, Kocaeli Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11, 85-99.
Karadeniz, E. E.(2006) “Factors Contributing to the Growth of Turkish Small and Medium Sized Firms in the Clothing İndustry”, Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi,9,87-103.
Karadeniz, E. E. (2005), “Internationalization of Small and Medium Sized Firms”, Marmara Üniversitesi Öneri Dergisi. 24, 115-124 (2005).
Karadeniz, E. E, (2005), “Joint Venture in Small and Medium Sized Firms”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 10, 219-230 (2005).
Books / Books Chapters / Editors
Uslu, Ç. L. (2016) Göçmen ve Mültecilerin Kaynak Ülkelerine Katkıları: Suriye Örneği, Türkiyede Geçici Koruma Altındaki Suriyeliler, Editör: Adem Esen, WALD Dünya Yerel Yönetim ve Demokrasi Akademisi Vakfı Yayınları.
Karadeniz E.E et al. (Forthcoming). Entrepreneurship in Turkey and International Comparison, Yeditepe Üniversitesi Yayınları
Karadeniz, E.E.. (2021). Türkiye’de Girişimcilik Faaliyetleri ve Girişimcilik Ekosistemi. In İ. S. Akçomak, B. Beyhan, D. Çetindamar, & V. S. Tandoğan (Eds.), Türkiye’de Yenilik Tabanlı Girişimcilik (p. Chapter 4). İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
Karadeniz, E.E., and Özçam, A. (2018) ‘Regional Disparities in Entrepreneurship in Turkey with Respect to Gender Using a Regression of Pooling Cross Sections: 2006- 2015’, Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Publisher: Springer, 433-448.
Sarfaraz, L., Sarfraz A. M., Karadeniz, E.E. Zali, M.Z., and Qureshi M.S. (2018). A Comparative Study on the State of Women Entrepreneurship in the ECO Region: Women Entrepreneurial Intentions and Motivations in Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey, Part:5, Editor: N. Faghih, “Entrepreneurship in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)”, Springer
Karadeniz, E.E., and Özdemir, Ö. (2016). Mapping entrepreneurial activities and entrepreneurial attitudes in Turkey, In Routledge Handbook of Entrepreneurship in Developing Economies, London: Taylor & Francis Ltd, Routledge Press
Karadeniz, E.E., and Özçam, A. (2016). Being an entrepreneur of the Vicenarian and Tricenarian generation: the case of Turkish entrepreneurs, 2006-2012, In Routledge Handbook of Entrepreneurship in Developing Economies, London: Taylor & Francis Ltd, Routledge Press
Karadeniz, E. E. (2008). Entrepreneurial Economy in Turkey, Yalın Yayıncılık, Istanbul
Sarfaraz, L. Mian, S., Karadeniz, E.E, The State of Women Entrepreneurship in the ECO Region: GEM Report, 2015
Karadeniz, E.E. Türkiye'de ve Bölgelerde Girişimcilik, GEM Raporu, 2014
Karadeniz, E.E. Türkiye'nin Girişimcilik Haritası, GEM Raporu, 2013
Karadeniz, E.E. Türkiye'de Girişimcilik, GEM Raporu, 2012
Karadeniz, E.E. Fostering Entrepreneurship in Turkey, GEM Report, 2011
Karadeniz, E.E. Entrepreneurship in Turkey, GEM Report 2010