Graduate Theses Supervised
6.1 Master Theses
X ve Y Kuşaklarinin Dışarıdandan Kahvaltı Satin Alma Davranış Farklılıkları (Purchasing Differences between X and Y Generations in Outdoor Breakfast Consumption), Ali Şahin Danışman, (2018). Master’s Thesis, Maltepe University.
X ve Y Kuşaği Mensubu Satiş Danışmanlarının Motivasyon Faktörleri Arasindaki Farklılıklar; Otomotiv Sektöründe Bir Araştirma (A Study on the Differences between Motivation Factors of
Sales Consultants in Generation “X” and Generation Y”: A Study in Automotive Sector), Arman Baran, (2018). Master’s Thesis, Maltepe University.
İşletmelerde Yönetim Stratejisi ve Stratejik Kararlar (Management Strategy and Strategic Decision in Organisations) Doğukan Gülay (2019). Master’s Thesis, Maltepe University.
Hisse Senetlerine Bireysel Yatirim Yapan X ve Y Kuşaklarinin Sabır Derecesinin Ölçülmesi Borsa
İstanbul Örneği (The Measurement of Patience Level of Equity Investors From Generation X And Generation Y Istanbul Stock Market Case); Semih Can Zünbülova (2019). Master’s Thesis, Maltepe University.
Ruhsal Liderliğin Iş Tatmini Üzerindeki Etkisini Farklı Kuşaklar Üzerinden İnceleme (The Effect of Spiritual Leadership on Work Satisfaction on Different Generations); Alper Demirdağ (2019). Master’s Thesis, Maltepe University.
İşyerinde Psikolojik Yıldırmanın Yaşamın Anlamı Üzerine Etkisi (The Effect of Psychological
Mobbing on the Meaning of Life in the Workplace); Pınar Kaya (2020). Master’s Thesis, Maltepe University.
Ofis Çalışanlarında Esnek Çalışma Uygulamalarının X ve Y Kuşağı Çalışanların Performansına Etkisi (The Impact of Flexible Working Practices of Office Workers on the Performance of X and Y Generation); Semih Saracoğlu (2021). Master’s Thesis, Maltepe University.
Yöneticilerin Z Kuşağından Beklentileri ve Z Kuşağının İş Yaşamı Beklentileri (The Expectations of Managers from Generation Z and Generation Z's Expectations from Business Life); Özlem Güleç Bekman, Master’s Thesis, Maltepe University.
Elektronik Ticarette Sağlanan Lojistik Hizmet Kalitesi ile Müşteri Memnuniyeti ve Sadakati
Arasındaki İlişki (The Relationship between the Quality of Logistics Service Provided in Electronic Trade and Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty); Yaşar Harun Canöz (2021), Master’s Thesis, Maltepe University.
6.2 Doctorate Theses
Stratejik Yönetimde İletişimin Örgütsel Sinizme Etkisi (The Impact of Communication in Strategic Management on Organisational Cynicism); Doğukan Gülay (2022). PhD Thesis, Maltepe University.
7. Publications
7.1. Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI, SSCI Arts and
(1) GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK (2019) Metaphorising Knowledge Management: “Alice in Wonderland”.
Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 17(2), 245-252. doi:
7.2. Articles published in other peer reviewed international journals
- GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK (2017). Kariyer Basamaklarında Kadının Düşmanı Olarak Kendisi: Süper Anne Sendromu, Görünmez Kadın Sendromu ve Külkedisi Sendromu (Woman as her own
Enemy in Career Path: Supermom Syndrome, Invisible Woman Syndrome and Cinderella Syndrome). Karadeniz International Scientific Journal, 35(35), 84-94. (Scopus indexed)
- GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK (2018). İş Yaşamında Erkekte Ortaya Çıkan Ancak Kadını Tehdit Eden Sendromlar (Syndromes Affecting Men but Threatening Women). International Scientific Journal, 37(37), 145-157. (Scopus indexed)
- GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK (2018). Founder’s Syndrome at the Backstage of Agency Theory: A Threat to Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility. Business Management Studies: An International Journal, 6(1), 1-16., Doi: (ULAKBİM indexed)
- GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK (2018). Preventing Blue Ocean from Turning into Red Ocean: A Case Study of a Room Escape Game Journal of Human Sciences, 15(1), 1-7., Doi:
7.3. Papers delivered in international conferences and printed as proceedings
- GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK, YOZGAT UĞUR, KAHVECİ CANER (2010) Journey Metaphor in Knowledge Management and the Fairy Tale Little Red Riding Hood. Knowledge Economy and Management Congress.
- KAHVECİ CANER, GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK, YOZGAT UĞUR (2010). What Really is Knowledge Stickiness? Wisdom Metaphor in Knowledge Transfer and the Movie “Les Schtroumpfs”. Knowledge, Economy Management Congress, 1954-1965., (full paper).
- GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK (2016). Knowledge Management in Esoteric Management. ADVED 2016 2nd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, 273-277., (full paper).
- SEZGİN MERVE, GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK (2017). Affiliate (satış ortaklığı) Pazarlama Yönetimi (Affiliate Marketing Management). 1st International Congress on Social Sciences, Humanities and Education, 223-224., (executive abstract).
- GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK (2018). What is and is not Executive Coaching?. VII. IBANESS Conference Series, 2, 812-812., (executive abstract).
- GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK, ALTAY IŞIL (2018). Collectivism or Groupthink Syndrome. VIII. IBANESS Conference Series, 463-463., (executive abstract).
- GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK (2016) How to Make Blue Ocean Turning into Red Ocean Blue Again. ADVED 2nd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, 268- 272.
7.4. Books and sections in books published internationally
- GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK (2016). Toplumsal Mücadelenin Adı AKTİVİZM (The Name of Social Struggle ACTIVISM Chapter title: Pasif Aktivizm: Örgütlerde Patolojik Sorun (Passive Activism: A Pathological Problem in Organisations) (2016). Değişim Publications, Ed.: Nuray Yılmaz 1st edition No. of pages: 238, ISBN:978-605-4925-71-1, Turkish (Research Book (not a collection of theses).
- GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK (2017). İş Yerinde Yaşanan Sendromlar (Syndromes at Work), Beta, 1st edition, No. of pages: 186, ISBN:978-605-333-917-5, Turkish (Scientific book).
- BARAN ARMAN, GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK (2018). Sosyal Beşeri ve İdari Bilimlerde Akademik Araştırmalar-IV (Academic Research on Social, Human and Management Sciences), Chapter title: X ve Y Kuşağı Mensubu Satış Danışmanlarının Motivasyon Faktörleri Arasındaki Farklılıklar: Otomotiv Sektöründe bir Araştırma (A Study on the Differences between Motivation
Factors of Sales Consultants in Generation “X” and Generation Y”: A Study in Automotive Sector). Gece Kitaplığı, 1st edition No. of pages: 618, ISBN:978- 605-288-396-9, Turkish (Scientific book).
- GÜLAY DOĞUKAN, GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK (2019).Sosyal Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Alanında Araştırma ve Değerlendirmeler (Academic Research and Review on Social, Human and
Management Sciences) Vol. 2 Chapter Title: (İşletmelerde Yönetim Stratejisi ve Stratejik Kararlar (Management Strategy and Strategic Decisons in Organisations) Gece Kitaplığı, Editor(s): Sait Erdal Dinçer, Sinan Sönmez, Mustafa Bostancı, Ertan Özçoban, 1st edition, No. of pages: 415 (303-322), 978-605-180-845-1, Turkish (Scientific book).
- GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK (2020). Sürdürülebilir Stratejik Yönetim ve Kurumsal Yönetim (Sustainable Strategic Management and Corporate Governance). Maltepe University Publications. No. of pages: 174, ISBN:978- 625-44495-3-6, Turkish (Scientific book).
7.5. Articles published in peer reviewed national journals
- GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK (2010). Kontrol Liderin Elinde mi? Girişimcilik Okulundan Cevap (Is Control in the Hands of the Leader: An Answer Comes from the School of Entrepreneurship). Doğuş University Journal, 11(2), 25-35. (ULAKBİM indexed)
- GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK (2017). The Relationship between Spiritual Leadership and Organizational Cynicism: The Moderating Effect of Emotional Intelligence. Doğuş University Journal, 18(2), 117- 132. (ULAKBİM indexed)
- GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK, PEKÇETAŞ TUĞRUL (2018). Kuşaklar ve Örgütsel Sessizlik/Seslilik. (Generations and Organisational Silence/Voice) Journal of Management Science, 6(1), 89- 115., Doi: 10.22139/jobs. (ULAKBİM indexed)
- DANIŞMAN ALİ ŞAHİN, GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK (2018). X ve Y Kuşaklarının Dışarıdan Kahvaltı Satın Alma Davranış Farklılıkları (Purchasing Differences between X and Y Generations in Outdoor Breakfast Consumption). Atatürk University Journal of Social Sciences Institute,
22, 707-728. (ULAKBİM indexed)
- GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK (2018). İşletme Disiplininde Türkçe Dili Kullanılarak Yapılan Araştırmalarda Yaşanan Çeviri Sorunsalı: Çeviri Sorunu Yaşanan Bazı Sözcükler için Terminolojik Bir
Çalışma (Translation Paradox in Business Discipline Studies in Turkish: A Terminological
Study on Some Problematic Words). Int. Journal of Management Economics and Business,
14(1), 297-310., Doi: ijmeb.2018138776. (ULAKBİM indexed)
- GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK (2018). Blue Oceans in Higher Education. Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(3), 1-5.
- GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK, AKŞİT BELMA (2018). Student-President Reverse Mentoring at Universities: Maltepe University Case. Journal of Higher Education, 1-11. (ULAKBİM indexed)
- DEMİRDAĞ ALPER, GÜNDÜZ, ŞAFAK (2021). Ruhsal Liderliğin İş Tatmini Üzerindeki Etkisini Farklı Kuşaklar Üzerinden İnceleme (Analysing the Impact of Spiritual Leadership on Job
Satisfaction through Different Generations). Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences, 21(1), 100-118. (ULAKBİM indexed)
- BEKMAN ÖZLEM G. GÜNDÜZ ŞAFAK. (2022). Yöneticilerin Z Kuşağindan Beklentileri ve Z Kuşağının İş Yaşami Beklentileri (The Expectations of Managers from Generation Z and
Generation Z’s Expectations from Business Life). International Journal of Management Economics and Business, 18(2), 649-682. (ULAKBİM indexed)
7.6. Citations
Citations 248 h-index 10 i10-index 10
7.7. Referee
Acted as a referee in many journals including an SSCI one (Knowledge Management Research & Practice)