As Yeditepe University, we are pleased to host our prospective students on our campus during the promotion periods. This way, you can explore the facilities of our campus and obtain detailed information about our department.
Students are accepted to the Tourism Management department with the equalweight (EA) category points.
One of the undergraduate programs offered by the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences is the Department of Tourism Management, which has a duration of four years, consisting of eight semesters.
Our Tourism Management department’s objective is to provide well educated management level graduates and entrepreneurs to the leading industry of our country namely tourism and its related supporting fields.
Human factor and service quality being the areas of focus requires that tourism professionals be equipped with the technical knowledge and aptitudes as well as capacity of human contact and communication. Our program of education is built around management, behavioral sciences, marketing, psychology, gastronomy and customer relations ranging over a wide spectrum of fields integrating all in our classes.
In our Tourism Management Department, in the first year, basic courses such as Mathematics, Economics, Academic English, Tourism Geography and Introduction to Tourism Industry are given. In the following years, in addition to specialization courses such as Turkish Language, Statistics, Service Marketing, Financial Management and Tourism Law, elective courses are also given.
The education at YeditepeTourism Department is given in four tracks namely: (i) Hospitality, (ii) Transport (mainly aviation), (iii) Sales/Marketing/Distribution and (iv) Support Systems /Third party logistics which offers a wide sepctrum of employment opportunities after graduation.
Basis of our department’s sound education is due to the experience of industry background educators , case studies and guest lecturers from the field.
To apply the theoretical and practical education experience that our students receive rigorous traineeship programs are put in place ( 10 weeks summer training and 15 weeks semestre training totaling up to 25 weeks). Consequently many of our students receive job offers before they graduate not needing to gothrough job hunting.
Within the sphere of our Faculty and throughout the university the possibility of double major diploma and minor certificate possibilities exist and are also enhanced with Erasmus and Exchange programs internationally.
The department of Tourism and Hotel Management continues to improve its standards, reflected through the winning of “Skalite award” twice in 2011 and 2013; considered an “industry Oscar” through the votes of some 980 Tourism Industry Professionals of the Skal-Turkey chapter.
After the student completes the fourth semstre a required 10 week summer training is followed by a 15 week required training during the eighth semestre. Upon graduation they will have had 25 weeks of hands on experience in the industry.
The firm to be trained at, has to be operating within the tourism Industry. Majority of our students are trained at world famous hotel chains and/or airlines also having the opportunity to select tour operators travel agents that service the industry.
The students, if they wish, can search for and find their own choice of company for training, However for those students having a hard time assistance and support is given by the academic staff.
Companies approach our department with their trainee needs and availability when the time approaches and this information is shared with the students to assist them in their evaluation.
You re allowed to complete your required training abroad for the Tourism and Hospitality department. You could take advantage of the Erasmus Program training offers and “Work & Travel” choices .
A student can complete a double major with the other departments of our faculty as well as with other faculties in the University.
In order to complete a double major the student needs to complete the total credit hours required for each major with their other requirements as well as completing a minimum of 30 credit hours over his/her first major.
-In order for a double major application to be approved:
-The student must have completed all courses of his major taken up to the time of application (Tourism Department) successfully
-To have a GPA of at least 3.00 for his current major at the time of application and an average of 3.25 to apply for scholarship.
To have obtained, in the university entrance exam, over the minimum points required for the second major.
For departments accepting students based on talent/ability/competency exams, the student must have past these exams to qualify for the double major.
A student can not sign up for more than one department as a second major. However appliying for a minor while pursuing a double major is permitted. A double major program student can perform a “lateral transfer (yatay geçiş) provided he/she has completed requiremnts for his current major.
During the double major period the second major CGPA is allowed to drop to 2.50 provided it is not to be repeated. If it drops under 2.50 a second time the registeration in the second major is evoked. If a student does not take courses from the second majör for two consecutive semesters the second major registeration is removed.
To graduate from the second major the CGPA for the second major has to be at least 2.70, along with the completion of other requirements. The second major diploma is granted only upon obtaining the degree for the first major. If the student completes the first majör but has remaining work to be completed in the second major the faculty board of the second major can extend fo a maximum of two semestres. If needed for those faculties where work load is heavy a second extension of two additional semesters by the faculty board is possible. A student completing his/her first and second majors gets an additional undergraduate diploma.
The minor choice has to have and additional 21 credit hours worth of work load over an above the requirements of the Tourism & Hospitality Department. One can apply for a minor earliest during the third semestre the latest the sixth semestre of the current major.
In order for a student to be accepted to a minor:
The student must have completed all courses of his major taken up to the time of application (Tourism Management) successfully.
During the time of application the student must have minimum CGPA of 2.50 in the current major.
For a scholarshjip application the required minimum is 3.00/4.00
One can not pursue two minors simultaneously, however a student can register for a minor while doing a a double major.
In order to be able to continue the minor the student has to achieve a minunmum of 2.30 CGPA in his/her major (Tourism Management) A student who is unable to obtain that average has the registeration removed from minor. If a student does not sign up for courses in the minor for two consecutive semestres has his/her registration cancelled in the minor. To obtain a certificate for the minor the student has to have a CGPA of 2.30 in his/her major. The certificate for the minor is issued to the student upon completion of the requirements of the major. When the major (Tourism Management) is completed but work remains to be finished in the minör a two semestre extension approval can be issued by the board of the faculty of the minor. When both the major and the minor requirements are completed the student is issued a certificate fort the minor as well.
Within the framework of the wide range of agreements our university has with higher education institutions in Europe, The United States and Canada, students have the opportunity to benefit from these agreements improving their international communication competancises and experience with different cultures while completing their education.
Upon graduation our students mainly find employment at worldwide hotel chains, travel management companies travel agents as well as other sectors.
The main tasks of hotel management employees are to specify customer expectations and develop practices to meet these. According to the fields of specialisation; in the front Office context reservations. Hotel arrivals and departures, in the Floor floor servises context the order, cleanliness and execution of customer requests, In the service context performing Food and Beverage etc , are the essential duties. To a varying degree there are managerial position opportunities in the Kitchen, Bar, Accounting, Purchasing, Marketing, and Sales departments as well.
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A student can benefit from one type of schıolarship at a time. If qualifying for more than one type of scholarship the higher one in the benefit of the student is applied.
Students need to be dynamic indiduals with social communcation skills. This profession requires continuous contact with customers, self confidence, adaptation to challenging difficulties, fast and correct decision making caabilities, patience, politeness empathy and understanding are some of the important virtues. Individuals with these characteristics can be expected to be successful in this Industry.
Through the education and the rigorous training periods that the student experience, both theoretical and practical, adapting themselves to the real life environment getting to introduce themselves to the sector profesionals and themselves learning about the industry; many students during the training periods get offers of future employment prior to their graduation. Thus avoiding a frustrating period of job hunting after graduation.
Students can get post graduate education usually in fields like business administration, tourism management, and transportation.
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