Researchers in Finance” Forum, an annual event organized by the Finance Club bringing together finance professionals, academicians and students.
Yalçın, H. & Dube, S. (2020). "Analysis of Market Timing Ability of Fund Managers under Changing market Conditions", (accepted) Gelisim-UWE 4th International Conference on Economics and Finance, April 23, 2020.
Tuysuz, S. (2019) “Comparison of the accuracy of models in forecasting VaR and ES through time”, RSEP-Istanbul 11-13 June 2019
Tuysuz, S. (2019) “Comparison of the accuracy of models in forecasting VaR and ES through time”, - S. Tuysuz (2019) “Workshop on Market Microstructure and Behavioral Finance (WMMBF) – 17-18 May 2019 Istanbul
Tuysuz, S. (2019) “Comparison of the accuracy of models in forecasting VaR and ES through time”, RSEP-Istanbul 11-13 June 2019
Alıcı, A.,E.Demir,G.Gözgör.(2018). The Impact of Economic Crises on Female Labor Force Participation. International Atlantic Economic Society 89 th conference,11-14 October 2018, New York, USA.
Yay, T. (2018, 04/ 20-21 ). The Method and scope in economics: An Evaluation of Joseph A. Schumpeter's Economic Thought System [Keynote Speech]. 14th International Conference on Knowledge, Economy and Management, Istanbul, Turkey.
Nas, B. & Yay, T. (2017). The effects of Arab Spring on Turkish foreign trade: A Case Study. 27-29 Eylül 23rd EBES Conference, Madrid, Spain.
Tuysuz, S. (2017) “Dynamic Relation between Global Islamic and Conventional Sectoral Stock indexes and Bonds”, ISEFE, Istanbul, 28-29 October 2017
Tuysuz, S. (2017) “Dynamic Relation between Global Islamic and Conventional Sectoral Stock indexes and Bonds”, Ecomod, Slovenia, July 2017
Tuysuz, S. and P. Pekel (2017) “A comparison of stochastic claims reserving methods”, Ecomod, Slovenia, July 2017
Tuysuz, S. and E. Unal (2017) “LGD Modelling - Comparison of models”, Ecomod, Slovenia, July 2017
Tuysuz, S. (2017) “LGD and RR Modeling - Comparison of models”, CRC, Edingburg, August/September 2017
Yay, T. & Yay, G. G. (2017). The Impact of Joseph A. Schumpeter on the Developments in Economic Theory. 22-25 Mart 83rd Atlantic Economic Conference, Berlin, Germany.
Yay, T. & Yay, G. G. (2016). Joseph A. Schumpeter and Neo-Schumpeterian Paradigm on the dynamics of capitalism: Entrepreneur, Innovation, Growth and Trade [Conference presentation]. International Conference of Management, Economy and Policy, Istanbul, Turkey.
Yay, T., Yay, G. G. & Aksoy, T. (2016). Do institutions matter for entrepreneurship?. 16-19 Mart, 81st Atlantic Economic Conference, International Atlantic Economic Society. Lisbon, Portugal
Yilmaz, T. & Dube, S. (July, 2016), “A Global Feasible Market Factor for Covariance Estimation along with Dynamic Asset Allocation”,XXIV Finance Forum, Spain.
Yalcin, H. & Dube, S. (March, 2015). “Evaluation of Market Timing Ability for REITs in Turkey”, Proceedings of the LODEF 2015 Congress.
Demir, E., Lau C.,K.,M., Alıcı, A.(2015). Macro explanatory factors of Borsa Istanbul Tourism Index, World Banking Finance Symposium, Hanoi 2015.
Alıcı. A.(2013). Financial regulation and financial stability: The Turkish case, IABPAD conference, Istanbul, Turkey, July 1-4, 2013.
Alıcı, A.(2012). The impact of financial globalization on income distribution: the Turkish case. International Atlantic Economic Society 73rd conference, Istanbul, Turkey, March 28-31, 2012.
Yılmaz, T. & Dube, S. (2012). “Asset Allocation and Stock Selection: Evidence from Turkish Markets”, FMA International, European Conference, Istanbul.
Yay, T. (2011). Austrian school, competition and firm theory: competition, innovation and rivalry. 19-21 Mayıs15th Annual Meeting of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kama, Ö. & Yay, T. (2011). Institutional quality and property rights in MENA countries: An Empirical Analysis. Competition, Innovation and Rivalry. 19-21 Mayıs, 15th Annual Meeting of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Yay, T. (2010). Küreselleşmenin politik iktisadı (Political Economy of Globalization) [Keynote Speech]. International 8th Knowledge, Economy & Management Congress, 28-31 October, Istanbul, Turkey.
Geyik, Ü. & Yay, T. (2010). Asimetrik merkez bankası tercihleri altında yeni bir enflasyon yanlılığı modeli (A new inflation bias model under asymmetric central bank preferences). International 8th Knowledge, Economy & Management Congress, October 28-31, Istanbul, Turkey
Yay, T. (2010). The role of the State in Adam’s Smith’s Thought System and Modern Public Finance Theory: A Comparative Evaluation. Third International Conference on Social Sciences, Social Sciences Research Society, 8-9 October, Kuşadası, İzmir.
Langdon W. L., Dube, S. & Mazumder, I. (2010). “The Use of Industrial Characteristics in the Prediction of Long Term Industrial Bond Performance”. Proceedings of the Northeast Business & Economics Association Conference.
Ucal, M. Alıcı. A. Is Fiscal Policy Sustainable in Turkey . EBES 2009 Conference, Istanbul, June 1-2 2009.
C. Lubochinsky, S. Tuysuz “Macroeconomic news impact on interest rates and stock index conditional to their volatility”, AFFI, May 2009, Brest
Boz, C. & Yay, T. (2009). From the quantity to the quality of employment: An application of capability approach to the İstanbul labour market. In A. Balcı, C.C. Aktan & F. Savasan (Eds). Turkey in Transition Politics, Economics and Society. In Selected Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Social Sciences, 4, (pp.197-205). 10-11 September, İzmir, Turkey, Social Sciences Research Society.
Yay, T. (2009). Invisible hand in the process of making economics or on the borders of economics: European society for the history of economic thought. 23-26 April 13th Annual Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Yay, T. & Tastan, H. (2008). On the validity of three hypotheses on public expenditures in Turkey: 1950-2004. 4-7 Ağustos, Athens, Greece, 3rd International Symposium on Economic Theory, Policy and Application Athens Institute for Education and Research
E. Spyromitros, S. Tuysuz “Do monetary policy transparency, independence and credibility enhance macro-financial stability?” 12th International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance, 29-31 May 2008, Crete
Alıcı, A.(2008). “An Empirical Investigation of twin Deficits: Evidence from Turkey” International Atlantic Economic Society (IAES) 65th conference Warsaw, Poland, April 9-13, 2008.
Torabzadeh, K. & Dube, S. (2006). ”Valuation Effects of Partial Acquisitions”. Meeting of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada , Banff, Canada.
Alıcı, A., & Ozgoker, U. (2006). Can Financial Regulations Strengthen Financial Stability in Developing Countries? The Case of Turkey. Frontiers of Regulation: Assessing Scholarly Debates and Policy Challenges Conference, University of Bath Centre for the Study of Regulated Industries (ECPR/CRI), 7-9 September 2006.
Tuysuz, S., “Effets de la transparence et de la crédibilité sur le mécanisme de transmission de la politique monétaire sur les taux d’intérêt: Le cas des Etats-Unis et du Royaume Uni ”, 23èmes Journées Internationales d’Economie Monétaire et Bancaire, Lille, 2006
Tuysuz, S., Y. Kuhry, “Interactions between interest rates and the transmission of monetary and economic news: the cases of US and UK”, Public Economic Theory, Hanoi (Vietnam), 2006
Alıcı, A.(2005). Causality Between Saving and Growth in Turkey. International Atlantic Economic Society 59th conference, 9-13 March 2005, London, England.
Alıcı, A.(2005). The Relationship Between Fiscal Policy and Current Account in Turkey. International Atlantic Economic Society 60th conference 6-9 October 2005, New York, USA.
Alıcı, A., & Ucal M. (2004). Effects of Exchange Rate Regimes on Macroeconomic Stability: Empirical Findings from the Turkish Economy, Economic Science Association (ESA) International Meeting, Amsterdam, 2004.
Tuysuz, S., “Conduite de la politique monétaire et mécanismes de transmission le long de la courbe des taux”, SESAME (Séminaire d’Etudes et de Statistiques Appliquées à la Modélisation en Economie), XIVèmes Journées, Pau, 2004
Alıcı, A., & Ucal M. (2003). Foreign Direct Investment, Exports and Output Growth of Turkey. Eurpean Trade Study Group (ETSG) 5th Annual Conference, Madrid 2003.
Yay, T., Yay, G.G. & Yılmaz E. (2001). Financial regulation in the context of financial crises. In: Economies and Business in Transition: Facilitating Competitiveness and Change in the Global Environment Proceedings. 11-15 Temmuz, Global Business and Technology Association, International Conference, İstanbul.
Yay, T., Yay, G. G. & Yılmaz, E. (2001). Finansal krizlerden kaçınmak: Finansal regülasyon. 10-13 Eylül, 5 th METU International Economics Congress, Ankara.
Yay, T. & Aktan, C. C. (2021). Avusturya İktisat Okulu: Metodoloji Politika Felsefe, Ankara: Astana Yayınevi
Dube, S. & Dube, M. (2017). "Basics First”, IFF Books, U.K.
Dube, S., & Dube, M. (forthcoming). "Importance of Interdepartmental Control & Potential Pitfalls",Case Study for Chapter 20,C.Wankel, Ed., Palgrave Macmillan.
Yay, G., & Yay, T., (2012). The Structure and Regulation of Turkish Banking System: 2000-2010. In T. Cetin and F. Oğuz (Eds.) Regulation and Competition in the Turkish Banking and Financial Markets (pp.49-92), Ny: Nova Science Publishers, Inc
Dube, S., & Dube, M., Case Study: "If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them?" 2010, Ivey Publishing/ Harvard Business Review.
Dube, S., & Dube, M., Teaching Note: "If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them?" 2010, Ivey Publishing/ Harvard Business Review.
Dube, S. "IS IT Green". Proje No 2013 1 IT1 LEO05 03999, European Union, Researcher, 02/03/2015 - 30/09/2015
Dube, S. "Globalization and International Business, Turkish perspective", Project Director, State University of New York Merkezi Sistemi, Albany, New York, 28/08/2005 - 29/09/2006
Yay, T. (2005). Doğu Anadolu Turizm Odaklı Bölgesel Kalkınma Projesi ve Kış Olimpiyatlar Araştırması. İstanbul Ticaret Odası. 2005-01 (Project Manager)
Yay, T. (2001). Küreselleşme Sürecinde Finansal Krizler ve Finansal Regülasyon. İstanbul Ticaret Odası. 2001-47. (Project Manager)