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International Finance Courses

1. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
AFE 131 Academic English I Core
BBA 101 Introduction to Business Core
ECON 104 Statistical Softwares and Data Compiling Core
ECON 111 Principles of Microeconomics Core
MATH 133 Basic Mathematics Core
- Elective - Core - 1 Compulsory

2. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
BBA 244 Principles of Financial Accounting Core
ECON 122 Principles of Macroeconomics Core
ECON 211 Microeconomics Core
LAW 303 Introduction to Law I Core
MATH 134 Advanced Mathematics Core
- Elective - Core - 2 Compulsory

3. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
AFN 214 Principles of Finance Core
BBA 245 Financial Accounting Core
ECON 222 Macroeconomics Core
HTR 301 History of Turkish Revolution I Core
STAT 410 Statistics Core
- Elective - Free - 1 Compulsory

4. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
AFN 311 Corporate Finance Core
HTR 302 History of Turkish Revolution II Core
STAT 411 Advanced Statistics Applications Core
- Elective - Free - 2 Compulsory
- Elective - Department - 1 Compulsory
- Elective - Department - 2 Compulsory

5. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
AFN 218 Corporate Governance and Ethics Core
AFN 415 Technical and Fundamental Analysis in Equity Markets Core
ECON 321 Monetary Economics Core
HUM 103 Humanities Core
- Elective - Free - 3 Compulsory
- Elective - Department - 3 Compulsory

6. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
AFN 314 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Core
AFN 316 Financial Markets and Institutions Core
ECON 351 Principles of Econometrics Core
- Elective - Department - 4 Compulsory
- Elective - Free - 4 Compulsory

7. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
AFN 296 Internship Core
AFN 312 International Financial Management Core
AFN 417 Derivatives Markets Core
AFN 419 Marketing of Financial Services Core
- Elective - Department - 5 Compulsory

8. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
AFN 413 Financial Risk Analysis Core
AFN 416 Turkish Capital Markets Core
AFN 496 Graduation Project Core
- Elective - Extra - 2 Compulsory
- Elective - Extra - 3 Compulsory
- Elective - Extra - 4 Compulsory
- Elective - Extra - 1 Compulsory
- Elective - Free - 5 Compulsory
- Elective - Extra - 29 Compulsory
- Elective - Extra - 30 Compulsory
- Elective - Department - 6 Compulsory