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International Finance

It is an exciting time to be in International Finance. Before we discuss the highlights of the Yeditepe International Finance program , we should clarify what we mean by Finance. Finance is at the heart of every business activity. It is also the impetus behind widespread technological development that is interconnecting markets worldwide, changing the business world, and changing Finance along with it. There are new business models, new financial products and services to support them, new ways to deliver them, and new financial models to understand and direct all of these. And yet as technology and Finance continue to develop and evolve in novel ways, the core principles remain the same. It is easy to forget the basics in the midst of the new developments, but then we end up in crises. Examples would include the dot-com bubble around 2000 when we thought companies no longer needed cash flows or profitability; the 2008 global crisis where we thought house prices will always go up; the recent geopolitical tensions and the pandemic, external factors which have affected the economy severely enough that temporary solutions proposed now include negative or zero interest rate policies, and even a modern monetary theory with potentially unlimited money.

So what is finance? The simple view is that finance is about making money. And everyone wants more money. A little thought will show that it is about making money by creating value. If money were unlimited, we would all be rich and also poor because no one would need to create anything useful to earn money.

We can make money by creating some product or service and selling it. We could establish a company for this. Of course we would need money to operate the company, and money is limited and costly. How much money the company needs, where to obtain it, and how to allocate it to different activities such as marketing to promote our product, research to improve it, and new manufacturing facilities to produce it more efficiently,  all these decisions come under Corporate Finance.

On the other hand if you already have some money, you could invest it in companies and then get a return on your investment. How much money to invest in which companies or assets, and whether to lend it or to obtain equity, such questions are under Investments and Portfolio Management.
The two sides meet in financial markets where buyers and sellers of funding come together in a competitive environment and determine the optimal distribution given supply and demand for financial resources, helping reduce the costs of funds for companies while reducing the risk for investors. As conditions change and new information is revealed to the markets, so does the optimal balance point. Billions of dollars change hands every day as investors buy and sell in response to such news and market movements 24/7, in global markets.

So it is exciting to be a part of finance when technology has created new industries, new business models, and innovative financial products that help us reduce risk and increase our returns while being able to access global markets. Today the competition for obtaining, or providing funds is on a global scale. We should be able to research and add African corporate bonds, and options for companies listed in New York, to our portfolio as easily as buying a stock on the Istanbul stock exchange. We can borrow in dollars at lower rates, but then as companies learnt recently if our earnings are in TL we can get in trouble if the exchange rate fluctuates. A trade dispute between the US and China can both disrupt our markets, and provide new opportunities for our companies. In today's world it is impossible to fully understand technological, economic, and geopolitical trends and developments, be they local or global, without an appreciation of the financial motivations of actors in global markets.

Turkish financial managers are used to dealing with rapid changes, and many international companies have found this expertise useful when faced with fast-changing conditions and crises in the recent past. Our program is designed to equip you to fulfill the needs of a variety of local and global financial institutions in areas such as banking, insurance, auditing, investments and civil-service; as well as for corporate management in all sectors.

Finance may evoke many images but in the end it is about people, our society, and what we make of the world we live in. We also hope you will use what you learn and experience here to be an active part of change on the global stage, to help us create a better system where we not only generate more wealth but do so in a way that preserves our planet and perhaps distributes the benefits more equitably. 

Uluslararası Finans Bölümü


Our Department's vision is to provide the educational upbringing of experts who will be knowledgeable in the concepts and techniques of international finance, and will be able to make decisions and become managers in the very competitive international finance world.


The Department of International Finance aims to contribute to the effective management and analysis of financial markets, banks, non-banking financial institutions, institutional investors and companies in today's finance sector, which is shaped by dynamic developments.

Program Features

  • Required courses that focus on core principles
  • Departmental electives for

Deeper understanding in your specific areas of interest in Finance

New areas of interest as they emerge

  • Free electives that allow you to learn about broader areas relevant to your interest

Our Home Faculty has a wide array of courses, from technology to tourism

Yeditepe University faculties offer a range of courses from foreign languages to movies

  • Education that includes, besides Finance, interdisciplinary elements such as economics, global markets, international management, ethical decision making, technology, research, forecasting, modelling, planning, project valuation, accounting and marketing
  • Possibility of selecting a second major or a minor field of study
  • International interactions via Erasmus, Exchange and other programs of Yeditepe University International Office
  • International interactions via collaboration with CFA Institute to ensure our program quality: CFA University Affiliation Program
  • International interactions via our double diploma program with KING's University College at the Western Ontario University, Canada (BA, Economics and Finance)
  • International interactions via our double diploma program with State University of New York at New Paltz, USA (BS, Finance)
  • Our regularly updated curriculum incorporating the global needs and trends of the industry as well as education based on the inputs of our Advisory Board, which includes experienced professionals and graduates representing various sectors and associations
  • Academic staff that is actively connected with contemporary research  and the industry through the graduate programs of the department of International Finance:  Master's (With Thesis or Project) programs   and Ph.D. / Integrated Ph.D. programs in Financial Economics
  • Classroom access to same software programs and platforms used by sector professionals, and access to  latest in technology-based real-life data and applications in the finance lab - including training from firms that provide the platforms or institutions that use them
  • Opportunities for teamwork, research and work experience as well as interaction with various sector professionals through courses in collaboration with industry, student club activities, certified trainings, volunteer internship opportunities, graduation project with research forum-poster presentations and compulsory internship courses
  • International FIBAA accreditation
  • English as the medium of instruction to allow you to communicate globally and obtain wider job and education opportunities before and after graduation

Yeditepe University is a participant in the CFA Institute University Affiliation Program for The Bachelors Program in International Finance. The Chartered Financial Analyst® designation has become the most respected and recognized investment credential in the world. Entry into the CFA Institute University Affiliation Program signals potential students, employers, and the marketplace that Yeditepe University International Finance curriculum is closely tied to professional practice and is well-suited to preparing students to sit for the CFA examinations. Through participation in this program, the International Finance Program at Yeditepe University is eligible to receive a limited number of student scholarships for the CFA Program each year.  All Yeditepe Students are eligible to apply for these scholarships. You may click here to access the Application Guide for the CFA Exam Student Scholarships.  You may also see the link here for more information regarding the CFA exams. Please contact the International Finance Department Chair for other details.



What is the International Finance Department?

Finance is a component of every business activity and decision and its importance is increasing exponentially day by day with the advancement of technology. Finance professionals who create resources and value, possess  foresight, have ability to analyze, provide whatever is needed, and manage resources efficiently are always in demand. In the Department of  International Finance, we strive to meet this demand and bring highly qualified expert professionals to the globalizing highly competitive finance sector.

Finance professionals, who monitor markets, make decisions and create value on behalf of private or state owned enterprises, banks, non-bank financial institutions, international corporations, or institutional investors, should always aim to make money while creating value and at the same time should be open to changes, innovations and discovering new things.

To achieve success in the field of finance, an International Finance student needs to be interested in current events and curious about everything. It's important that students who enjoy working, learning, looking at things from different perspectives, could look at seemingly unrelated pieces as a whole, could make using accurate information and take calculated risks while doing that. In our education, we aim to instill this perspective in our students and equip them with the habits and competencies necessary for it. Students who calmly approach and enjoy new changes they are excited about will successfully graduate from the International Finance program and achieve the career positions they desire.





Studying International Finance at Yeditepe University

The Department of International Finance at Yeditepe University aims to educate students who are competent to operate in money and capital markets and also have the perspective to be able to understand the socio-economic facts and components in these markets.

In this department, that aims their students reach leadership positions in their career by mastering fundamental areas in finance, business, economics, technology and social sciences and then focusing on technological and financial innovations, education is provided by an academic staff with experience and knowledge in international finance.

With our finance laboratory equipped with the latest technologies, students have the opportunity to receive training using platforms used for financial research and trading worldwide. To ensure that our students are equipped with the necessary knowledge and competencies for success, our course contents and education are updated by following the international agenda and current needs.

To make successful strides in the finance world, it is essential to be intertwined with technology. In this sense, our students have the opportunity to specialize in many areas with advanced technology courses ranging from computer programming to web development, ERP systems to logistics management, and software programs.

With dual diploma, double major, and minor programs, students can differentiate in their careers by obtaining a second diploma or certification of expertise in various fields in addition to the finance field.

Instruction in English is compulsory in the department, which is of international importance. The foreign language, which is required to master the finance sector, economy, and business world not only domestically but also globally, gives graduates a step ahead in their career life.

The foreign language also provides great convenience and advantage in Erasmus, student exchange programs, and dual diploma programs. During their education in the International Finance Department, the opportunity to study for one or more semesters in different countries, different schools, and different cultures using the department's network along with foreign language knowledge broadens the students’ horizon. Students of this program also have the opportunity to complete their internships domestically or abroad.

What Does an International Finance Graduate Do? 

Where to Work?

It has been observed that 92% of students who graduate from Yeditepe University's International Finance Department find a job within one year with the finance education they have received. This percentage includes students who have successfully reflected their knowledge in a company and those who proved themselves during their internship and continued to work at the same firm after graduation.

International Finance graduates have the opportunity to find jobs in many different sectors. Among our students' preferences are international companies, banks, insurance companies, consultancy and portfolio management companies, corporate firms, audit firms, and public institutions. We also have students who have started their own companies or pursued an academic career after graduation.

Another employment opportunity is platforms that combine finance and the digital world. By using elective courses, our graduates can also have the chance to seize opportunities in very different sectors besides finance, business, or economics. By enriching their knowledge with courses on artificial intelligence, blockchain applications, and cryptocurrencies, they can also work in Fintech companies, which use big data technologies, or business technology firms, which provide digital integration, business analytics, and the development of financial programs.


Bologna Process

The Bologna Process is a program aimed at establishing common standards in education with other countries and ensuring the implementation of these standards. As part of this program, students are expected to understand and be aware of the dimensions of their finance education not only at a regional level but also internationally.






Second Major and Minor Programs Opportunities

Students can also participate in double major and minor programs by taking courses from other departments. Among the preferred double major programs are Information Systems and Technologies, Business Administration, Tourism Management, Logistics Management, International Trade and Business Administration, E-Commerce Management, Management Information Systems, and Economics. It is always possible to create additional double major programs with different departments based on students' preferences and requests. In the International Finance minor program, you can find students from a wide range of departments, including, but not limited to, engineering, science and literature, and fine arts faculties. The International Finance minor program is open to all departments of the university.

Master's and Doctoral Programs

The Department of International Finance Department is the main academic unit for graduate programs in Financial Economics. The Financial Economics graduate degree programs hosted by the International Finance Department are as follows: MA with thesis, MA without thesis, PhD, and Integrated PhD. For more information:

 Financial Economics Master's Program

 Financial Economics Doctoral Program

In order to see the weekly program, please logon to your OBS account, go to the "Academic Information" Tab and select your faculty, department and the current semester from the pull-down menu options on the page.