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Political Science and International Relations Department (FR)

Welcome to the French Political Science and International Relations Department. Since the same year as the Yeditepe University, founded in 1996, the Department of French Political Science and International Relations has provided education in an interdisciplinary approach within the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. Education is given in French in subjects as International Relations, Law, Economy, International Politics, Sociology and the European Union. In this way, you will h

In this way, you will have the opportunity to develop your ability to think and research in a foreign language. In fact, graduating from a Bachelor's degree, you will also have acquired the ability to defend your final thesis in French in writing and orally in front of a jury. To help you develop your talents, we present the opportunities of our university, faculty and department in our country and abroad.

While we offer opportunities such as scholarships, Erasmus program, double major and minor, internship opportunities, the right for a Master’s Degree in France, we would like to graduate you as individuals in the awareness of your national and international responsibilities.

Be sure that you will be preferred to important positions, like our previous graduates, when you apply for jobs at important domestic and as well as overseas institutions and organizations. As instructors who assist you in your education, we will also have the happiness of sending you to the business world and the community as well-equipped individuals.






To educate individuals who possess contemporary values, and have the ability to think, analyze, and synthesize in a foreign language, meeting national and international standards.


 To cultivate individuals who embrace international contemporary values, are aware of societal responsibilities, reliable, capable of adding value to society with their knowledge, guiding society, open to innovations, entrepreneurial, culturally aware of international phenomena, and able to become leaders.


Since its establishment in 1996, Yeditepe University has offered education in French within the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. The founding Head of the Department in 1996 was Prof. Dr. Yaşar Gürbüz. The department started its education with a respectable academic staff and an initial quota of 25 students, which has now been adjusted to 23 students. The department graduated its first cohort in 2000. Students who learn French in the Preparatory Program begin their first year of the undergraduate program and continue to improve their language skills throughout their undergraduate studies. During their four-year undergraduate education, students are offered a variety of courses that allow them to graduate as specialized individuals in their fields. Building on the strength and experience of our students' success in their undergraduate education, the French International Relations Master's Program within our department, under the Social Sciences Institute, commenced education in the 2013-2014 Academic Year.

What is the Department of Political Science and International Relations (French)?

The Department of Political Science and International Relations (French) is a field of study that examines the functioning of politics at national and international levels, both in the past and present. In the courses, students are provided with a detailed understanding of decision-making and implementation processes seen in different political systems through an interdisciplinary approach. The program also ensures that students grasp the value judgments, power partners, and the structuring and distribution of power that influence these processes. In today's world, where the phenomenon of globalization is strongly felt, the emergence of new actors on the political stage alongside states makes the discipline of political science and international relations even more important. This situation necessitates the development of a new vision for researching and analyzing current developments and evaluating different approaches, as well as the cultivation of individuals who can think critically, be creative, and produce solutions to problems. The undergraduate program in Political Science and International Relations (French) aims to train graduates who are equipped to evaluate issues that closely concern Turkey and the world and provide solutions to problems.

The Department of Political Science and International Relations (French) is a four-year undergraduate program within the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. To be a student in this department, one must graduate from the Equal Weight divisions of high schools. The medium of instruction for the program is 100% French. In today's constantly changing field of international relations, knowing French has become as important as knowing English. To meet this need, Yeditepe University has been training students with developed language skills for the Department of Political Science and International Relations through effective language education since 1996. Students who are not proficient in the language of instruction can continue their academic programs after successfully completing a one-year preparatory program. Students who certify their language proficiency with an exam score accepted by higher education institutions and those who pass the "Foreign Language Proficiency Exam" conducted by Yeditepe University are exempt from the preparatory class. Throughout their education, students take core courses that provide an in-depth understanding of the discipline of Political Science and International Relations, along with elective courses that allow them to specialize according to their interests.

Yeditepe University Political Science and International Relations (French) Department Ranking

The ranking for the Yeditepe University Department of Political Science and International Relations (French) varies each year based on the scores of the candidates who are admitted to the program. You can find the base scores, ranking, and quota information for Political Science and International Relations (French) on Yeditepe University's website.

Score TypeGeneral quotaBase ScoreRanking
EA - Full scholarship3372,41072-
EA - %50 scholarship20217,99468-




Studying Political Science and International Relations (French) at Yeditepe University

The undergraduate program in Political Science and International Relations (French) at Yeditepe University provides students with the knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary to examine developments in politics, security, sociology, diplomacy, law, and economics at both national and international levels. This program offers a contemporary, comprehensive, and high-quality education aimed at training experts who can evaluate the international relations network from a conceptual framework and stay informed about new developments. Core courses in Law, Economics, International Relations, Political Science, and Sociology are taught by an academic staff composed of Francophone instructors. Students who lack language proficiency start their academic program after receiving 30 hours per week of French language education in the preparatory classes. French language education also continues during the undergraduate program.

In today's world, where global competition is rapidly increasing, individuals are expected to be equipped with distinctive competencies. One of the most important of these competencies is achieving the highest level of foreign language proficiency. In the program, French, which students will use in both social and professional fields throughout their lives, is taught using effective and up-to-date methods. Students have the opportunity to develop their abilities to think, write, express themselves, and conduct research in both Turkish and French.

Yeditepe University offers its students opportunities such as scholarships, Erasmus and other student exchange programs, the chance to pursue double majors and minors, the possibility of continuing postgraduate education in France, and internships during their studies. The university aims to graduate students as individuals specialized in their fields. Students can take elective courses offered by an expert academic staff in various fields and focus on specialization courses according to their interests. Additionally, Yeditepe University's Department of Political Science and International Relations (French) has joined the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), a community with 845 members, to increase its global recognition and provide scholarship opportunities for students in their postgraduate education.

What Does a Graduate of Political Science and International Relations Do?

Where to Work?

The undergraduate program in Political Science and International Relations (French) supports an interdisciplinary knowledge base. Therefore, graduates who successfully complete their education can work in a wide range of professions both domestically and internationally in the public and private sectors. They can build careers in Non-Governmental Organizations, the United Nations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Interior, the Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade, research companies, media organizations, local governments, and multinational companies. Additionally, they can serve as experts or consultants in political parties, banks, and other private companies. Students who continue with their master's and doctoral studies have the opportunity to work in universities.


Bologna Process

Within the scope of the Bologna Process, the ECTS credit values of all courses in the curriculum of the Department of Political Science and International Relations (French) have been determined. Click here for the Program Information Package of the Department of Political Science and International Relations (French).





Erasmus Agreements

  • University of Savoie – Chambéry
  • Institute of Political Studies of Bordeaux – Bordeaux
  • Institute of Political Studies of Lille – Lille
  • Institute of Political Studies of Grenoble – Saint-Martin-d’Hères
  • Institute of Political Studies of Strasbourg – Strasbourg
  • University of Strasbourg (Social Sciences) – Strasbourg
  • Institute of Political Studies of Toulouse – Toulouse
  • Catholic Institute of Paris – ICP
  • Catholic University Centre of Burgundy
  • University of Szeged – Szeged, Hungary


Double Major and Minor Opportunities

Students enrolled in the Department of Political Science and International Relations (French) can also pursue a double major in International Trade and Business, Law, and Economics departments to obtain a second diploma. In minor programs, students who demonstrate the necessary success in their main undergraduate programs can apply to the relevant Faculty Deanships to complete the registration process and receive an additional certificate in a different field they wish to specialize in. You can obtain all the necessary information regarding the additional course load, quotas, and application conditions within the framework of the double major and minor programs from your department's double major/minor coordinator.


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