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  • Türkçe
  • English
Course Year: 1
Course Period: Autumn
Course Code Course Name Course Type
AFE 131 Academic English I Core
BBA 101 Introduction to Business Core
ECON 111 Principles of Microeconomics Core
HTR 301 History of Turkish Revolution I Core
LAW 123 Introduction to Law Core
MATH 133 Elementary Mathematics Core
TKL 201 Turkish Language I Core
Course Period: Spring
Course Code Course Name Course Type
BBA 244 Introduction to Accounting Core
ECON 104 Statistical Softwares and Data Compiling Core
ECON 122 Principles of Macroeconomics Core
HTR 302 History of Turkish Revolution II Core
HUM 103 Humanities Core
MATH 134 Intermediate Mathematics Core
TKL 202 Turkish Language II Core
Course Year: 2
Course Period: Autumn
Course Code Course Name Course Type
ECON 211 Microeconomics Core
ECON 311 Public Finance Core
RSCH 410 Scientific Research Methods Core
STAT 410 Statistics Core
Free Free Elective I Free Elective
Free Free Elective II Free Elective
Course Period: Spring
Course Code Course Name Course Type
ECON 222 Macroeconomics Core
ECON 232 Mathematical Economics Core
ECON 365 Money & Capital Markets Core
STAT 411 Advanced Statistics Applications Core
Free Free Elective III Free Elective
Free Free Elective III (old) Free Elective
Course Year: 3
Course Period: Autumn
Course Code Course Name Course Type
ATD 243 International Economics Core
ECON 321 Monetary Economics Core
ECON 322 The Economics of Growth Core
ECON351 Principles of Econometrics Core
ECON Departmental Elective I Area Elective
Course Period: Spring
Course Code Course Name Course Type
ECON 302 History of Economic Thought Core
ECON 352 Econometrics Core
ECON 363 Sustainable Economic Development Core
ECON 367 International Political Economics Core
Free Free Elective IV Free Elective
ECON Departmental Elective II Area Elective
Course Year: 4
Course Period: Autumn
Course Code Course Name Course Type
ECON 401 Graduation Project Core
ECON 481 Internship Core
Free Free Elective V Free Elective
ECON Departmental Elective III Area Elective
ECON Departmental Elective IV Area Elective
Course Period: Spring
Course Code Course Name Course Type
ECON 422 Turkish Economy Core
Free Free Elective VI Free Elective
ECON Departmental Elective V Area Elective
ECON Departmental Elective VI Area Elective
ECON Departmental Elective VII Area Elective
Course Year: None
Course Period:
Course Code Course Name Course Type
SUST 301 Sustainable Development Free Elective
ECON 477 Ecological Economics Elective
ATD 316 Economic Geography Area Elective
BBA 412 Entrepreneurship (KOSGEB) Area Elective
ECON 296 Economics II Area Elective
ECON 342 Global Economy Area Elective
ECON 364 Health Economics Area Elective
ECON 366 Economics of European Union Area Elective
ECON 370 Cinema and Economics Area Elective
ECON 371 Reading the World and Turkish Economy Area Elective
ECON 412 Industrial Organization Area Elective
ECON 433 Labor Economics Area Elective
ECON 461 Economics of Strategy Area Elective
ECON 462 Energy Economics Area Elective
ECON 463 Critique of Orthodox Economics Area Elective
ECON 465 Economics of Income Distribution and Hapiness Area Elective
ECON 477 Environmental Economics Area Elective
ECON 291 Economics
ECON 294 Economics for Engineers
ECON 295 Introduction to Economics I