The course aims at helping students improve their skill in written and oral narration, by teaching them characteristics and rules of the language
Lexicon of Turkish, study of literary texts, rules for formal correspondence, format and rules for scientific research writing and genres of oral narration
Vertical Tabs
Course Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes |
Program Learning Outcomes |
Teaching Methods |
Assessment Methods |
1-Aims at helping students understand the subject, point of view and the main theme in fiction and informative texts |
1,4 |
1,3,4 |
A |
2-Aims at helping students understand the means and possibilities of Turkish narration |
1,4 |
1,3,4 |
A |
3-Aims at helping students understand, interpret and apply fiction and informative texts? |
1,4 |
1,3,4 |
A |
4-Aims at teaching how to write a petition, report, minutes, business letters |
1,4 |
1,3,4 |
A |
5-Aims at improving the students’ skills in written and oral narration |
1,4 |
1,3,4 |
A |
Course Flow
Week |
Topics |
1 |
Introduction/orientation: Giving students information about the content of the course and how the material will be covered |
2 |
Informative texts, fiction , subject / topic, point of view, main theme of the text. |
3 |
Kinds of vocabulary,(what )a parapraph (is),genres of narrative |
4 |
how to write a petition, ,preparing a CV |
5 |
Written narrative genres: memoirs, travel, diary and letter |
6 |
Written narrative genres :article, essay, newspaper article / column, critique |
7 |
(writing) reports, minutes (of a meeting) |
8 |
Midterm Exam |
9 |
Scientific research, writing summary, taking notes, bibliography and rules for footnote writing |
10 |
Lexicon of Turkish of Turkish(native words, loan words, idioms) |
11 |
Turkish Lexicon (proverbs, cliches, reduplication of words) |
12 |
Syntax of Turkish and semantics |
13 |
Fiction (novel, poetry, theatre) |
14 |
Genres of oral narrative |
Recommended Sources
Required |
Aksan, Doğan (1999), Anlambilim, Ankara, Engin yayınevi Aksan, Doğan(1987), Her Yönüyle Dil, Ana Çizgileriyle Dilbilim,3 cilt , Ankara Aksan, Doğan(1996), Türkçenin Sözvarlığı, Ankara, Engin Yayınevi Aksan, Doğan (2000), Türkiye Türkçesinin Dünü, Bugünü, Yarını, Ankara, Bilgi yayınevi Atay, Falih Rıfkı (2004), Çankaya, İstanbul, Pozitif yayınları Atay, Oğuz (2012), Bir Bilim Adamının Romanı Mustafa İnan,36.b., İstanbul,İletişim Yay. Atay, Oğuz(2013), Günlük,16. b., İstanbul, İletişim Yay. Boysan, Aydın(1997), Yollarda, Dünyadan Gezi Yazıları, 2. b., Ankara, Bilgi Yayınevi Çotuksöken, Yusuf (2007), Uygulamalı Türk Dili, İstanbul,Papatya Yayıncılık Kongar, Emre (2008), Kızlarıma Mektuplar Yaşamdan Satırbaşları, 45.b., İstanbul, Remzi Kitabevi Korkmaz, Zeynep ve diğerleri (1995), Türk Dili ve Kompozisyon Bilgileri, Ankara, Yüksek Öğretim Kurulu Matbaası Özdemir, Emin (2008), Sözlü Yazılı Anlatım Sanatı Kompozisyon, İstanbul, Remzi Kitabevi Özdemir, Emin (1994), Yazınsal Türler, 2. b.,Ankara, Ümit Yayıncılık Tanpınar, Ahmet Hamdi (2004), Saatleri Ayarlama Enstitüsü, İstanbul, Dergah Yayınları Türkçe Ders Notları -TKL 202 (Haz. Bedri Selimhocaoğlu) Türk Dili,Yazılı Anlatım-Sözlü Anlatım (2009), (Ed.Nurettin Demir, Emine Yılmaz),Ankara, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım Türkçe Sözlük (2011), Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, 11. b., Ankara Yazım Kılavuzu (2009), Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, 26. b., Ankara |
Material Sharing
Xerox copies given to students before class.
Mid-terms |
1 |
50 |
Quizzes |
- |
Attendance |
1 |
50 |
Total |
100 |
50 |
50 |
Total |
100 |
Course’s Contribution to Program
No |
Program Learning Outcomes |
Contribution |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
Students should be able to use basic knowledge of International Business Management theoretically and practically for identification, modeling and solving of problems for businesses operating on a global scale. |
2 |
Students should possess the essential body of knowledge related to International Business Management including the state-of-the art concepts, theories and models, historical evolution of that discipline, the scientific methodology in general, and the research tools and techniques utilized in that discipline, in particular. |
X |
3 |
Students should understand the core competences of juridical, political, social, and economic psychological dimensions related to International Business Management. |
X |
4 |
Students should be able to conduct independent research in their discipline by specifying information needs for investigating a topic-of interest, accessing the appropriate sources of knowledge, and preparing a comprehensive report. |
X |
5 |
Students should understand the interdependency and interrelationship among disciplines should be able to relate and synthesize International Business Management knowledge with diverse disciplines, and generate new information accordingly. |
X |
6 |
Students should be able to fulfill their responsibility as team leader or team member in project implementations or applied studies that are related to International Business Management. |
X |
7 |
Students should be able to design and plan projects to achieve organizational goals and objectives setted or to improve organizational performance. |
X |
8 |
Students should be able to critically evaluate the knowledge in the area of International Business Management, assess self-competency and direct self-learning efforts accordingly. |
X |
9 |
Students should understand the importance of life-long learning and self-assessment to maintain their personal and professional development. |
X |
10 |
By rapidly changing global circumstances, students should be able to show that they understand the importance of flexibility in thinking and generating creative solutions in order to succeed in professional life. |
X |
11 |
Students should be able to effectively communicate in written and oral German on a corporate level with people from diverse backgrounds. |
X |
12 |
Students should have the German proficiency to be able to follow and interpret the global dynamics that shape their discipline. |
X |
13 |
Students should indicate, express and present their knowledge in in national/international interdisciplinary academic and professional settings, should offer and make comments about the results of the works to other people from not only their field, but also from any other disciplines by clearly expressing in Turkish and German via using right data. |
X |
14 |
Students should evaluate the differences between cultures and individuals by being aware of importance of respect for individual and cultural diversity, should be able to emphatically interact with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds in social and professional settings and should contribute to the team works as a team coordinator or a team member. |
X |
15 |
Students should use effectively widespread and valid information technologies in their field. |
X |
16 |
Students should understand personal, professional and social ethics, should evaluate the ethical implications of various practices related to social and professional life, should be aware of the importance how these ethical behavior add value to the society. |
X |
17 |
Students should know the concept of social responsibility on individual, social and ecological dimensions should indicate active citizenship for him-/herself within that frame. |
X |
18 |
Students should grasp the importance of the scientific point of view for social development and global competitiveness as well as social rights and social justice, which are the basis of modern societies. |
X |
19 |
Students should grasp the importance of quality management, health and safety, corporate social responsibility, professional and cultural respect and principles of corporate ethics for corporate sustainability. |
X |
20 |
Students should evaluate the contribution of basic business solutions to management and financial problems within a global and social framework. |
X |
Activities |
Quantity |
Duration |
Total |
Course Duration (Including the exam week: 15x Total course hours) |
16 |
2 |
32 |
Hours for off-the-classroom study (Pre-study, practice) |
16 |
1 |
16 |
Mid-terms |
1 |
2 |
2 |
Term Paper |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Final examination |
1 |
2 |
2 |
Total Work Load |
53 |
Total Work Load / 25 (h) |
2.12 |
ECTS Credit of the Course |
2 |