"Great Britain's Relations with the Young Turks, 1908-l914" Middle Eastern Studies, ii/4 (July 1966), pp. 302- 329.
“Ottoman Perceptions of the Capitulations 1800-1914” in Journal of Islamic Studies, 11/i, January 2000, 1-20. Reprinted in Feroz Ahmad, From Empire to Republic – Essays on the Later ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey, ii, Istanbul 2008, 44
“Ideology and War Aims of the Unionist Government, 1914-1918” in Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Istanbul. 33/50, 2001, 1-13.
With Jacob Landau, ‘Conclusion: Opting Out of the Nation’ in Identity Politics in Central Asia and the Muslim World. Willem van Schendel and Erik Zürcher (eds.), I.B. Tauris: London & New York, 2001, pp. 223-235.
“The Special Relationship: the Committee of Union and Progress and the Ottoman-Jewish Political Elite l908- 1918” in Jews, Turks, Ottomans, Avigdor Levy (ed.), Syracuse University Press: Syracuse, New York, 2002, pp. 212-230 & notes, 332-5.
The Making of Modern Turkey, Routledge, London and New York l993.
Ittihatciliktan Kemalizme ("From Unionism to Kemalism") Kaynak Yayinevi, Istanbul 1985. (This is a book of essays on late Ottoman and modern Turkish History published in Turkish).
Demokrasi Surecinde Türkiye (l945-l980), Hil Yayin : Istanbul, August l994. (Translation of The Turkish Experiment in Democracy l950-1975 updated to September l980). Third printing appeared in 2008
Modern Türkiye’nin Olusumu. Sarmal Yayinevi: Istanbul, 1995 (Translation of The Making of Modern Turkey) *New revised edition, Kaynak Yayinları : Istanbul, December 1999.