Bayındır Goularas Gökçe, Ayşe Betül Nuhoğlu, “Migration Flows in Turkish-Russian History: A General Overview” , in Ketenci Natalya, Bayındır Goularas Gökçe, (ed) Turkish-Russian Relations : Prospects and Challenges, Lexington Books, Rowman&Littlefield, 2019.
Ketenci Natalya, Bayındır Goularas Gökçe, (ed) Turkish-Russian Relations : Prospects and Challenges, Lexington Books, Rowman&Littlefield, 2019.
Bayındır Goularas Gökçe (2018), “Türkiye’de Göç Deneyimleri: Politikalar ve Toplumsal Yansımalar” başlıklı panel organizasyonu ve oturum başkanı, aynı panelde “Türkiye’nin göç politikalarının tarihi gelişimi: dünden bugüne Türkiye’de göç ve göçmenlik” konulu sunum, The Migration Conference 2018, 25-28 Haziran 2018, Lizbon Üniversitesi, Lizbon-Portekiz.
Işıl Zeynep Turkan Ipek, Gökçe Bayındır Goularas, (2018), International Migration and Challenges in the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century, Lexington Books, Rowman&Littlefield. ISBN: 978-1-4985-8601-6.
Safak Yuca & Gökçe Bayındır Goularas (2018), “Dependency Theory: An Alternative TheoreticalApproach to Syrian Migration?” in International Migration and Challenges in the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century, ed. Turkan Ipek Işıl Zeynep & Bayındır Goularas Gökçe, Lexington Books,Rowman&Littlefield, pp:129-139.
Gökçe Bayındır Goularas, Işıl Zeynep Turkan Ipek (2018), (eds.) International Migrations in 21st century: Problems and Solutions, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. London. ISBN: 978-1-5275-0910-8.
Gökçe Bayındır Goularas (2018), “International Migration in the Twenty-First Century: A General Overview”, in International Migration in the 21st Century: Problems and Solutions, Bayındır Goularas Gökçe, Turkan İpek Işıl, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp: 3-19.
Gökçe Bayındır Goularas, Hakan Sezgin Erkan (2017), (ed) Rethinking Greek-Turkish Relations Since 1999, Lexington Books.
Gökçe Bayındır Goularas (2017), “Civil actors of Greek-Turkish Rapprochement”, in Rethinking Greek-Turkish Relations Since 1999, ed. Bayındır Goularas Gökçe, Erkan Hakan Sezgin, Lexington Books, pp:113-123.
Uslu Çağrı Levent, Bayındır Goularas Gökçe (2016), “Göçmen ve Mültecilerin Kaynak Ülkelerine Katkıları: Suriye Örneği”, Türkiye'de Geçici Koruma Altındaki Suriyeliler, Editör: Adem Esen, Mehmet Duman, WALD Dünya Yerel Yönetim ve Demokrasi Akademisi Vakfı Yayınları, s: 133-147.
Gökçe Bayındır Goularas, Nihan Kocaman, Betül Nuhoglu (2015), « Les migrations féminines vers la Turquie de 1990 jusqu’à nos jours », Hommes et Migration (1311), pp: 47-53.
Gökçe Bayındır Goularas, Betül Nuhoğlu (2015), « La guerre, la mémoire et les récits de vie », Carnets: revue électronique d’études françaises, 2(5), pp: 182-194.
Gökçe Bayındır Goularas (2015), « Un exemple de la perception de la frontière en Méditerranée: l’étude de la frontière entre la Grèce et la Turquie », Diacronie - Studia di Storia Contemporanea, 3(23), pp: 1-10.
Gökçe Bayındır Goularas, Ulaş Sunata Özdemir (2015), « Türk dış politikasında göç ve mülteci rejimi », Moment Journal, 2(1), pp: 12-
Gökçe Bayındır Goularas, Gözde Ustaömer, Mohamed Doumbia (2015), « A Study of Anti-Nuclear Movements », Sociocri15 - Sociology and critical perspectives conference on social movements Proceeding book, pp: 126-132.
Gökçe Bayındır Goularas, Dionysis Goularas (2014), « The impact of migration on music: The case of Rebetiko », Es, 1(2), pp : 14-17.