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  • Türkçe
  • English
Course Code: 
ECON 371
Course Type: 
Area Elective
Course Language: 
Courses given by: 
Course Assistants: 
Course Objectives: 

The main goal of the course is to enhance Economics students with ability to interpret the economic theory they have coverd in other courses and their connections with current issues in Turkish and World economy.

Course Content: 

The course inclues interpreting and discussing the course material, such as academic papers and news, reports and articles obtained from main stream media that will be supplied by the instructor of the course and students.

Course Methodology: 
1: Lecture, 2: Question-Answer, 3: Discussion, 12: Case Study
Course Evaluation Methods: 
A: Testing, B: Experiment, C: Homework, Q: Quiz

Vertical Tabs

Course Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes Program Learning Outcomes Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
Can follow current economic .issues     1,2,4,6 1,2,3 A,C
Can combine economic theory with current economic issues.     1,2,4,6 1,2,3 A,C
Can obtain necessary economic data when needed. 1,2,3,4,6 1,2,3 A,C

Course Flow

Week Topics Study Materials
1 Public Policy Readings News, articles and reports obtained and distributed by the instructor and students will be read throughout the semester.
2 Public Policy Readings News, articles and reports obtained and distributed by the instructor and students will be read throughout the semester.
3 Public Policy Readings News, articles and reports obtained and distributed by the instructor and students will be read throughout the semester.
4 Monetary Policy Readings News, articles and reports obtained and distributed by the instructor and students will be read throughout the semester.
5 Monetary Policy Readings News, articles and reports obtained and distributed by the instructor and students will be read throughout the semester.
6 Monetary Policy Readings News, articles and reports obtained and distributed by the instructor and students will be read throughout the semester.
7 Midterm  
8 European Union Readings News, articles and reports obtained and distributed by the instructor and students will be read throughout the semester.
9 European Union Readings News, articles and reports obtained and distributed by the instructor and students will be read throughout the semester.
10 European Union Readings News, articles and reports obtained and distributed by the instructor and students will be read throughout the semester.
11 World Economy Readings News, articles and reports obtained and distributed by the instructor and students will be read throughout the semester.
12 World Economy Readings News, articles and reports obtained and distributed by the instructor and students will be read throughout the semester.
13 World Economy Readings News, articles and reports obtained and distributed by the instructor and students will be read throughout the semester.
14 Review  

Recommended Sources

Textbook There is no textbook for the course. 
Additional Resources Resources will be distributed by the instructor and students. Every semesters some portion of the resources are subject to change. Course notes and power point presentations will be distrubuted by the professor. 

Material Sharing

Documents Document will be shared via cloud account by the instructor and students.
Assignments Assignments will be given via e-mail.
Exams Exams will be conducted in class.


Mid-terms 1 40
Quizzes (attendance, presentation, etc.) 13 40
Assignments 5 20
  Total 100
Contribution of the Final Examination to the Overall Grade 1 30
Contribution of the in-Term Studies to the Overall Grade 1 70
  Total 100

Course’s Contribution to Program

No Program Learning Outcomes Contribution
    1 2 3 4 5
1 1. Students can keep themselves informed and analyze the current economic development in Turkey and in the world from an international political economy perspective paying a particular attention to the interaction of the Turkish economy with the global economy.         X
2 2. Being aware of the development and accumulation of economic thought, students can master qualitative and quantitative knowledge and methods to test various economic theories that can be applied to the analysis of the current economic problems.         X
3 3. Students can use statistical and econometric analyses by learning how to use information technologies that have validity and widespread use in the field of economics.          
4 4. By learning how to learn in the field of economics, students can research and work individually or as a team using the Turkish and English academic resources.         X
5 5. Being aware of the ethical values, students know the individual, social and ecological dimensions of the concept of social responsibility and can prove that they understand the active citizenship duty that falls upon them within this framework.          
6 6. Students can clearly express, present and share their knowledge, the outcomes of their studies, their ideas and comments to people in their field or other disciplines/units using the necessary data, in national and international academic and professional environments, in Turkish or English.     X    
7 Students can show that understanding the universality of social rights and the concepts of social justice, which form the basis of the modern societies, and the importance of scientific perspective, which is necessary to the  social development and global competitiveness.          


Activities Quantity Duration (Hour) Total Workload (Hour)
Course Duration (Including the Exam Week: 15 x total course hours) 14 3 42
Hours for off-the-classroom study (Pre-study, practice) 14 2 28
Mid-terms 1 10 10
Quizzes (attendance, presentation, etc.) 14 2 28
Assignments 5 1 5
Final Examination 1 12 12
Total Work Load     125
Total Work Load / 25 (s)     5
ECTS Credit of the Course     5