Prerequisite Courses:
Course Language:
Course Objectives:
To introduce the students in international finance to the theory as well as the application of investment management. Through classroom discussions, individual and group projects, and hands-on experience in “trading room” exercises, spreadsheet examples, and portfolio management simulations students will be exposed to the key concepts and technical tools necessary to understand, and to participate in the security analysis and investment decisions. Through careful analyses and hard work students will have a chance to integrate and synthesize the theoretical and empirical observations, the core investment and portfolio management concepts and methods with real life applications.
Course Content:
Topics discussed include, but are not limited to, models of return and risk, efficient portfolios, optimal portfolios, diversification, efficient markets, fundamental analysis, technical analysis, fixed income securities, bond portfolios, interest-rate risk management, different approaches to equity valuation, enterprise valuation, international diversification, mutual funds, hedge funds, portfolio management strategies, dynamic portfolios, asset allocation versus security selection, portfolio performance evaluation, and investment consulting process.
Course Methodology:
1: Lecture, 2: Question-Answer, 3: Discussion, 4: Simulation, 5: Case Study
Course Evaluation Methods:
A: Testing, B: Presentation, C: Homework, D: Project, E: Laboratory
Vertical Tabs